Creative Ways to De-Clutter Your Home

Top 5 Creative Ways to De-Clutter your home.

We are also thinking about making it slightly more fun for you (and maybe the family) to start to think about de-cluttering this year.

1. Give away one item each day.
Local blogger Colleen Madsen at 365 Less Things gives away one item each day. Over the past several years, she has experienced quite a transformation simply reducing her stuff one day at a time. Think about family members you can share that tip with too!

Then also find local places like the Interfaith ReSale store, that welcomes donations to local families. Easy drop-off window too!

2. Fill one trash bag. It’s a goal worth conquering!
One simple and favorite decluttering technique is to grab a large trash bag and see how quickly you could fill it. While much of what I collected was trash, this could also be used to fill a bag for local charity too!

3. Try the Oprah Winfrey Closet Hanger Experiment.
To identify wardrobe pieces to clear out, hang all your clothes with the hangers in the reverse direction. After you wear an item, return it to the closet with the hanger facing the correct direction. After six months, you’ll have a clear picture of which clothes you can easily discard. This experiment could also be applied to a number of clutter areas in your home (cleaners, toys, linens, tools, hobbies and craft items).

4. Take the 10-10-10 Challenge.
A simple task of locating 10 items to throw away, 10 items to donate, and 10 items to be returned to their proper home (or find a better home for that item than it is at right now). This challenge can be a really fun and an exciting way to quickly organize 30 things in your house which can make a big difference!

5. The Four-Box Method.
This is a great technique to conquer a room, or if the family is starting to pack for an exciting move.
Buy four boxes: trash, give away, keep, or relocate.
Each item in every room was placed into one of the four categories. No item was passed over. Each was considered individually. Some projects took 15 minutes… others took days or weeks. But the technique and principles remained the same! You will feel so good after having these 4 boxes full.

Good luck with your decluttering, send us your pictures and questions too!
Your Real Estate Nation Team

Home stylized photos are from Real Estate Nation Team listing, 6605 Pointe Lake Lucy – Chanhassen, let us know if want to learn more about this home currently for sale as of date of publication.

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