Cozify Your Home For Freezin’ Season

WINTER IS COMING… That chilly air is creeping back in and it’s time to cozify your home for freezin’ season!

We love our greenery year-round and, most definitely during the Spring and Summer seasons, but there’s something to be said about switching up the color tones and textures in your home for those cooler Fall and Winter months. Here in Minnesota, we know how desirable a cozy environment is as soon as those temps begin to drop off and especially during those drawn-out months where we hover in the single digits, or even worse, the negatives. That’s why, it’s time to cozify your home for freezin’ season!

Cozify Your Home For Freezin' Season

There’s not much labor or work in this yet switching things up can go a long way and really makes a difference. It’s all about the accent pieces here – now that’s fun! The focus should be on plants as in dried and preserved greenery which can include things like grasses and feathers; textiles such as pillows, throw blankets, accent rugs, and table runners; and of course, candles!

Let’s go ahead and break it down by category…

Plants/Faux + Dried and Preserved Greenery

We aren’t suggesting that you rid of all greenery around your house for Fall and Winter but instead switch out those that are décor focal points to give off a festive seasonal flare while keeping a nice balance. Think of spots like table centerpieces, fireplace mantles and hearths, buffets, entryway consoles, etc. Incorporating a variety of heights and types of dried + preserved greenery creates an eye appealing atmosphere, specifically on a fireplace. Too much symmetry and use of the same thing can take away from the aesthetic beauty of each piece itself and tends to have an off-putting staged look.

The following are some great options for creating your own bouquet, wreath or garland or to buy as a pre-made arrangement that many common stores carry. On the more affordable end, some excellent places to start are Michaels, Home Goods, Target, Etsy, and even Amazon while Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel, and West Elm have a great selection at a higher price point.

Textiles & Candles

This is really where things start getting cozy! Pillows and throws are the true breadwinners here since they are physically interacted with daily, and the comfy options are endless! You can never have too many blankets readily available and there’s charming ways to store them. Whether that’s in a basket by the fireplace; thrown over a chair, ottoman, couch, or bed; or folded in open-faced storage; it doubles as a warm comfort and nice décor. That is, of course, if you choose the right ones! Fortunately, you don’t need to compromise on the cozy for the cute! We love a variety of warm and neutral colors in microplush, faux fur, chunky knit, and sherpa. The same goes for throw pillows. Incorporating a variety of warmer fabrics like the faux fur, chunky knit, and velvet will really do the trick.

Cozify Your Home For Freezin' Season

Nothing creates a more cozy ambiance than candles. Not to mention, they fill your home with amazing scent. To really cozify a room we recommend wood wick candles that have a cozy glow that can’t be beat as well as the comforting noise of crackling goodness! One of our favorite brands is Manly Indulgence which you can conveniently get on Amazon. There are a variety of warm, nature-inspired scents and they have both regular and wood wick options.

Our very own Tricia Jo Leanger recently put together a super festive Fall table centerpiece in her dining area that screams cozy yet chic and below is the proof! Check out her Instagram post @triciajoonthego spilling all her juicy centerpiece secrets! SPOILER ALERT – she creatively repurposed a Target bath mat as a table runner! We would love to see what some of your cozy season essentials are so feel free to send your photos and ideas to your favorite Real Estate Nation Team agent or email them to for a chance to be featured on our social channels!

Cozify Your Home For Feezin' Season

Lovely Autumn arrangement on Tricia Jo’s dining table.

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